Performance Consulting

Consultoria de Desempenho em sistemas de hidrantes e sprinklers

PERFORMANCE CONSULTING | Find out how your system is doing!

With more than 37 years of experience and know-how in firefighting systems, power generation and pumping systems in general, Germek carries out performance analysis through rigorous tests on your equipment, in company or in the factory. The results of these tests are recorded in reports and technical reports issued in accordance with current standards such as NFPA20, NFPA25, NBR-10.897, IT of the Fire Department and others.

In addition to the technical skills of our employees, we use properly calibrated precision instruments and tools to guarantee the best result every time. The reports and reports are accompanied by a “Technical Responsibility Certificate”, which guarantees greater reliability of the information presented.

Give us a call, we’ll be happy to help!

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Ask any questions you may have or send us your service and warranty requests by calling (19) 3682-7072, our exclusive service channel.