Diesel Fire Pump

Equipamentos de Combate a Incêndio

Firefighting Equipment

Germek has been innovating the motor pump market for 38 years. In the beginning we were a reseller of irrigation equipment and today we operate in the following sectors: Agricultural, Power Generation and Fire Fighting, making us stand out with differentiated equipment and we are the market leader in the manufacture of Motor Pump Sets for Fire Fighting.

Our products are distinguished by their compliance with National NBR and International NFPA and FM Standards, always using high technology developed by our engineering team.

Germek motor pumps can be produced in different formats and can also be fitted with numerous accessories, making our solutions customized to meet the specific demands of each project and providing our customers with a complete solution.

We have a portfolio of equipment that ranges from the most basic products such as electric and diesel motor pumps, mounted on simple bases, to more complex equipment such as pump house skids or containers, which include pipes, valves, panels and all the components required by law.

We also have dedicated products such as the Droppump, which allows versatility in water collection in ports and offshore platforms, and the Fire Boat, which allows access by water in places that are difficult to reach by land.

When it comes to firefighting equipment, Germek always brings innovation and quality to the table, always thinking of meeting its customers’ needs.

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DROP PUMP - Sistema de Combate a Incêndio Motobomba Móvel com Mangueira Flexível

DROP PUMP – Mobile Motor Pump Fire Fighting System with Flexible Hose

The Drop Pump is a fire-fighting system developed to solve some of the problems that vertical turbine pumps suffer from, such as the action of sea currents that can cause the column to break or exposure to marine organisms such as barnacles that cause risky and expensive maintenance. Because it has a flexible hose and a system where you can collect the pump from the sea, the Drop Pump solves these problems with a lower investment.

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Projetos Marítimos

Maritime projects

Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), which operates a container terminal in the Port of Santos, in the Alemoa region, has acquired new equipment designed to use seawater to fight fires. The motor pump, as the new resource is called, was manufactured by the Brazilian company Germek, based in the interior of the state.

According to BTP, the acquisition allows the terminal to have greater autonomy, agility and safety in emergency situations. The entire team working on accidents, made up of firefighters, occupational safety technicians and firefighters, has been trained to use the new resource.

The acquisition of the motor pump is part of BTP’s plan to prevent and control risks and accidents of small, medium or large proportions in the port area.

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